Summary of the 3rd staff meeting in Bordeaux from 7/11 to 11/11/11

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Present: Catherine Peyrou, Bruno Raffait (France), Birgit Marji and Klaus Beermann(Germany),Sheena Towns and Mark Rossi, (UK), Else Marie Holm Nyby and Line Vinterberg, (Denmark)

1-     Deadline to answer the international market research for all the partners: 2nd week of December.

The answers should be emailed to each school individually and won’t be published on the blog before the end of the school year. A script of each market analysis will be published with the final results only after the presentations in Ashington.

2-     Discussion and agreement upon the dates for the final presentations from the students in Ashington:

-        From 7/05 to 11/05/12

-        The students will present their analysis on the foreign market where they will settle their business idea: give figures, explain the reasons and justify their choice. They will also advertise their business by means of a video advert aimed at the foreign market.

3-     The Danish class will make a Facebook group & an instruction manual of how to upload the profiles on Facebook. The students can then all upload their profiles here (will also be put on the blog). In this way, we also create a kind of chat-room for those students who would like to.


4-     The students from Ashington submitted their questionnaires about accommodation and itinerary to the teachers from each partner school as they will be involved in the organization of the final meeting in May.


5-     Talks  about the following ideas for the next project:


The students should:


-        Choose a youth problem typical for their own region

-        Find facts about this problem – How big is the problem locally? And, why is it a problem? (Analyze/Market Research)

-        Make questionnaires to the other countries. Is this a problem in the other countries as well? How it is handled in these countries?  Etc.

-        With knowledge collected from the other countries, create a plan, how to reduce the problem locally (e.g. fund-raising?)


-        Make part of the plan come true by creating local awareness of the problem by the use of Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)

-        What are the pros and cons of Social Media? How to take into account how to behave on the Internet? (+Job situation afterwards)



Title of the project could perhaps be “Youth Problems & Social Media”

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